Find Your Best Crew Here
Inland Crew Solutions brings crew sourcing, fleet management and ship maintenance expertise to owners and operators of cargo vessels on the inland waterways of Europe
For Recruitment
Call: +40 727 517 007
Visit: Centrul de Afaceri Dunarea Str. Domneasca, Nr. 13C, Et. 2, Birou 29, Galati
Off: 103 Str. Ion Lahovari, Constanța, Romania

Inland Shipping Knowhow
Connect People with the Right Jobs for Their Skills
Sourcing the right people is critical to improving productivity and efficiency on board. We carry out a thorough profile matching exercise so that our clients can get the best crew for their vessels and reduce time and costs on skill sourcing
Reduce Operation Costs and Delays with Faster Response
When your crew provider is taking care of not just recruitment but also the paperwork, payroll and taxes of your employees on board, you have the reassurance of using your time and resources for more important business objectives
Crew Management that Brings Unmatched Advantages
We have a good record of sourcing crew for higher retention and low risk because of our careful selection process. Our target is fewer accidents and higher profitability for clients. We have built up a sizeable database of inland navigation workers who understand these values
Improving Safety, Reliability and Enviromental Sensitivity
We have a zero-compromise policy for safety and environmental damage. Safety record is treated at par with professional qualifications and experience. No crew can afford to overlook the safety requirements of the water channel they are working on
Improved Operations
and Higher Profitability
with Better Talent
Inland Crew Solutions delivers better vessel management expertise in inland navigation by drawing from a sizeable pool of maritime and riverboat experts from all over Europe. Behind our quality assurance and commitment to profitability are years of experience with all classes of cargo and passenger vessels.
We provide trained, experienced and reliable crew and technicians for all kinds of river vessels, and we have a 24/7 deployment support system for operational emergencies. Besides recruitment, we provide training, outfitting, travel, accommodation, payroll, tax and administration services, as well as insurance and pension packages for river navigation personnel.
Our clients are vessel owners who are looking for a complete range of operational skills and business efficiencies so that the owner company can focus on growth and diversification.

Know Us Better
About Inland Crew Solutions
Inland Crew Solutions (ICS) is a manning provider to inland water transport, bringing fresh skills and energy to inland shipping companies. Besides a full range of staffing and recruitment solutions, ICS offers critical administrative support by minimizing the time, effort and paperwork involved in recruiting sailors from other EU markets. We specialize in personnel for general cargo ships, bulk carriers, container vessels, tankers and barges. ICS delivers cost efficiency while remaining firmly committed to safe and responsible inland navigation.
Inland Crew Solutions (ICS) is een aanbieder van bemanning voor het vervoer over binnenwateren en brengt nieuwe vaardigheden en energie naar de binnenvaartondernemingen. Naast een volledig scala aan rekruterings- en wervingsoplossingen biedt ICS kritische administratieve ondersteuning door tijd, moeite en papierwerk die nodig zijn voor het werven van bemaning van andere EU-markten tot een minimum te beperken. We zijn gespecialiseerd in personeel voor algemene vrachtschepen, bulkschepen, containerschepen, tankers en duwbakken. ICS levert kostenefficiëntie en blijft zich sterk inzetten voor een veilige en verantwoorde binnenvaart.
Inland Crew Solutions (ICS) ist ein Besatzungsunternehmen für die Binnenschifffahrt und bringt neue Fähigkeiten und Energie in die Unternehmen der Binnenschifffahrt ein. Zusätzlich zu einer umfassenden Palette von Einstellungs- und Rekrutierungslösungen bietet das ICS kritische administrative Unterstützung, indem es den Zeit-, Arbeits- und Verwaltungsaufwand für die Rekrutierung von Besatzung aus anderen EU-Märkten minimiert. Wir sind spezialisiert auf Personal für Stückgutfrachter, Massengutfrachter, Containerschiffe, Tanker und Schleppkähne. Das ICS ist kosteneffizient und setzt sich weiterhin stark für eine sichere und verantwortungsvolle Binnenschifffahrt ein.
Inland Crew Solutions (ICS) est un fournisseur d'effectifs pour le transport fluvial, apportant de nouvelles compétences et de l'énergie fraîche aux compagnies de navigation intérieure. Outre une gamme complète de solutions de recrutement et d’embauche, ICS offre un soutien administratif essentiel en minimisant le temps, les efforts et la paperasserie nécessaires au recrutement de marins d'autres marchés de l'UE. Nous nous spécialisons dans le personnel pour navires de cargo générales, vraquiers, porte-conteneurs, pétroliers et barges. ICS assure une rentabilité tout en restant fermement attachée à la sécurité et à la responsabilité de la navigation intérieure.

Recruitment Office
Centrul de Afaceri Dunarea
Str. Domneasca, Nr. 13C, Et. 2, Birou 29
Galati 800015
+40 727 517 007